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BAE and Leonardo integrate warning and countermeasure systems
Thursday, 23 February 2023
The AN/AAR-57 Common Missile Warning System is produced at BAE Systems' facilities in Nashua, NH and Huntsville, Alabama. Combined with the DIRCM system it forms a potent defensive capability.

BAE Systems, Inc. and Leonardo UK have received U.S. government approval to develop an interoperable aircraft survivability suite consisting of BAE Systems' AN/AAR-57 Common Missile Warning System (CMWS) and Leonardo's Miysis Directed Infrared Countermeasure (DIRCM) System. The combined capability will significantly enhance aircraft survivability against advanced threats.

The AN/AAR-57 detects incoming hostile fire and missile threats, alerts crews, and automatically cues countermeasures. It is deployed across the U.S. Army's and numerous partner nations' rotary- and fixed-wing fleets. More than 3,000 CMWS units have been installed on over 40 different types of aircraft. CMWS has logged more than four million combat flight hours, saving hundreds of lives and dozens of aircraft in ever-changing threat environments.

The Miysis DIRCM system, developed and produced by Leonardo in Edinburgh, UK and chosen by multiple international customers, provides exceedingly dependable, persistent protection from Infrared Man Portable Air Defense Systems (IR MANPADS). It overwhelms a missile seeker head with a sudden and massive stream of coded laser energy that can defeat multiple simultaneous threats.

The companies say that the combined solution will allow existing CMWS users to add a proven, readily exportable DIRCM capability in the most cost-effective way. It will maximize the effectiveness of CMWS flare decoying while enhancing aircraft survivability with a highly effective directed infrared countermeasure system.

“This layered defense against new and advanced threats will protect aircraft and their crews in the most complex battlespaces,” says Chris Austin, director of Integrated Survivability Solutions at BAE Systems. “Using interoperable, combat-proven systems is a smart, efficient, and cost-effective aircraft survivability solution for our international customers.”

“We are very pleased to be able to offer this capability to operators around the world in collaboration with BAE Systems. The AN/AAR-57 CMWS is in service on thousands of platforms worldwide, making it highly complementary to our readily exportable Miysis DIRCM,” adds Tony Innes, VP Sales Radar and Advanced Targeting at Leonardo. “International customers who operate the AN/AAR-57 now have a fast, simple and low risk way to equip their platforms with gold standard DIRCM protection against infrared missiles.”

AN/AAR-57 CMWS is produced at BAE Systems' state-of-the-art facilities in Nashua, N.H. and Huntsville, Ala.

Contact details from our directory:
BAE Systems Electronics & Integrated Systems Electronic Warfare Systems, Engine Controls, GPS, Radar Reconnaissance Equipment, Weapons Countermeasures
Leonardo Engineering Design Services, Reconnaissance Radar, Sensors/Transducers, Surveillance/Air Defense Radar
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