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Gabriél BK160-200 trainer secures FAA certification
Wednesday, 10 July 2024
The first batch of Gabriél BK160-200 low wing single piston trainer aircraft are now set to be delivered to customers by the end of this year.

Blackshape has achieved FAA certification of the Gabriél BK160-200, paving the way for the commencement of commercial deliveries, with the first batch of Gabriél BK160-200 aircraft set to be delivered to customers by the end of Q4 2024.

“We are proud to finally announce the achievement of this milestone, which certifies the value of the product and the entire company, now formally allowing Blackshape to enter the American aeronautical market both in the Certified category with the Gabriél and in the Experimental category with the same Gabriél as well as the Prime,” says Niccolò Chierroni, CEO of Blackshape. “Our development roadmap in the US is a priority, and we already have partners in the territory that enable us to be present at upcoming air shows and to operate with a first-class commercial and maintenance network. The best is yet to come.”

Contact details from our directory:
Blackshape SpA Airframer
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