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MD 500E/530F

This page lists recent changes to Airframer's data relating to this aircraft program.

26/12/2024KAI starts delivering Miron (LAH-1) mass production Unit 1 - Army Air Force strengthening (press release)
11/12/2024PFC Defense (linked to Aircraft Operations: Precision X mixed reality simulator (MD 500E/530F))
05/12/2024SPAES Aviation (linked to Lighting: Optional Nightscanner searchlight (MD 500E/530F))
05/12/2024Shadin Avionics (linked to Indicators and Instruments: Optional fuel flow system (MD 500E/530F))
05/12/2024Garmin International (linked to Indicators and Instruments: Optional Helicopter Synthetic Vision Technology (HSVT) (MD 500E/530F))
05/12/2024Vislink (was Broadcast Microwave Services (BMS)) (linked to Communications (Airborne): Optional Heli-Coder 4 (HC4) (MD 500E/530F))
05/12/2024Anodyne Electronics Manufacturing Corp. (AEM) (linked to Communications (Airborne): Optional audio system (MD 530F))
05/12/2024Robertson Fuel Systems, LLC (linked to Fuel Systems: Crashworthy fuel tanks (MD 530F Cayuse, option MD 530F Lifter); Little Bird Auxiliary Tank System (LBATS) (MD 530F/G))
05/12/2024Kinetic Defense Mfg. Inc. (linked to Airframe Assemblies: Aircaft armour (MD 530F Cayuse Warrior))
05/12/2024MarathonNorco Aerospace (linked to Batteries & Accessories: 17 Ah battery (MD 530F Cayuse Warrior))
05/12/2024Rohde & Schwarz (linked to Communications (Airborne): M3AR family software radios (Afghan MD 530F Cayuse Warrior))
05/12/2024L3Harris (was Harris Govt Comms Systems) (linked to Communications (Airborne): Falcon III RF-7850A-MR multi-channel radio (Kenyan MD 530G/F Cayuse Warrior))
05/12/2024Collins Aerospace, Avionics Division (linked to Communications (Airborne): HF-9000D radio (Kenyan MD 530F Cayuse Warrior))
05/12/2024Mace Aviation, LLC (linked to Structural Components: Extended Range Weapons Wing (MD 530G, Afghan MD 530F Cayuse Warrior))
05/12/2024Genesys Aerosystems Group, Inc. (linked to Indicators and Instruments: IDU-680 suite (MD 530G))
05/12/2024Tek Fusion Global, Inc. (linked to Flight and Data Management: Pathfinder mission mangement system (MD 530G))
05/12/2024Thales AVS France (linked to Indicators and Instruments: Scorpion HMD (MD 530G))
05/12/2024Garmin International (linked to Indicators and Instruments: Optional AHRS)
05/12/2024Garmin International (linked to Navigation Aids (Airborne): Optional SafeTaxi and FliteCharts geo-referenced airport diagrams and terminal procedures)
05/12/2024Aspen Avionics Inc. (linked to Indicators and Instruments: Optional Evolution primary flight display system)
05/12/2024Garmin International (link to Indicators and Instruments: G500H avionics suite (MD 500E); G500H TXi avionics suite displays (MD 500E/530F))
05/12/2024Garmin International (link to Navigation Aids (Airborne): GTN 650 Touchscreen NAV/COM/GPS (MD 500E/530F); GNS 430W NAV/COM/GPS, GTN 650H (MD 500E); GTN 650Xi GPS/NAV/COMM, and optional GTN 750 (MD 500E/530F))
05/12/2024Garmin International (link to Communications (Airborne): GTX 345R transponder (MD 500E/530F); GTX 330 Mode S transponder (MD 500E))
05/12/2024Trakka Systems (link to Lighting: Optional TrakkaBeam A800 (MD 500E/530F))
05/12/2024Howell Instruments, Inc. (link to Flight and Data Management: Engine Instrumentation System (MD 500E/530F))
05/12/2024GPMS International, Inc. (link to Flight and Data Management: Optional Foresight MX predictive Health and Usage Monitoring System (HUMS) (MD 530F))
05/12/2024Triumph Integrated Systems - Geared Solutions - Macomb (link to Power Transmission: Manufacture/assembly of gearbox (MD 530F))
05/12/2024Garmin International (link to Communications (Airborne): GMA 350Hc audio panel (MD 500E/530F))
05/12/2024Garmin International (link to Communications (Airborne): GNC 420 VHF (MD 500E); optional GTR 225 radio (MD 500E/530F))
05/12/2024ARTEX (link to Safety & Security Systems: C406 ELT (MD 500E); ME-406 HM ELT (MD 500E/530F))
05/12/2024Spectrolab Inc. (link to Lighting: Optional SX-5 Starburst (MD 500E), or SX-16 Nightsun searchlight (MD 500E/530F))
05/12/2024Technisonic Industries Ltd. (link to Communications (Airborne): Optional TDFM-9300 radio (MD 500E/530F))
05/12/2024Teledyne FLIR (was FLIR Systems, Inc.) (link to Imaging and Visual Systems: Optional Star SAFRIRE 380-HDc (MD 500E/530F))
05/12/2024FreeFlight Systems (link to Indicators and Instruments: Optional RA-4500 radar altimeter (MD 500E/530F))
05/12/2024Garmin International (link to Warning Systems: Optional HTAWS (MD 500E/530F))
05/12/2024Technisonic Industries Ltd. (link to Communications (Airborne): Optional audio system (MD 500E/530F))
05/12/2024Canyon AeroConnect (was Cobham Aerospace Communications (U.S.A) (link to Communications (Airborne): Optional audio system (MD 500E/530F))
05/12/2024Technisonic Industries Ltd. (link to Communications (Airborne): Optional TFM-30 VHF/FM transceiver (MD 500E/530F))
05/12/2024Canyon AeroConnect (was Cobham Aerospace Communications (U.S.A) (link to Communications (Airborne): Optional RT-7000 tactical radio and AA34 universal radio interface (MD 500E/530F))
05/12/2024L3Harris Technologies: WESCAM (link to Imaging and Visual Systems: Optional MX-10 sensor turret (MD 500E/530F); MX-10D sensor turret (MD 530G))
04/12/2024Garmin International (linked to Sensors, Transducers & Detectors: GMU 44 magnetometer (MD 500E))
04/12/2024Garmin International (linked to Communications (Airborne): GTX 345R transponder (MD 500E/530F); GTX 330 Mode S transponder (MD 500E))
04/12/2024Gerflor: Batiflex (linked to Cabin Interiors: Batiflex flooring (MD 500E), and Batiflex Vinyl flooring (MD 530F))
04/12/2024Garmin International (linked to Communications (Airborne): GMA 350Hc audio panel (MD 500E/530F))
04/12/2024Garmin International (linked to Communications (Airborne): GNC 420 VHF (MD 500E); optional GTR 225 radio (MD 500E/530F))
04/12/2024Garmin International (linked to Warning Systems: GTS 800 traffic alert system (MD 500E))
04/12/2024L3Harris (was L3 Aviation Products) (linked to Indicators and Instruments: ESI-500 electronic standby instrument (MD 500E))
04/12/2024ARTEX (linked to Safety & Security Systems: C406 ELT (MD 500E); ME-406 HM ELT (MD 500E/530F))
04/12/2024Spectrolab Inc. (linked to Lighting: Optional SX-5 Starburst (MD 500E), or SX-16 Nightsun searchlight (MD 500E/530F))
04/12/2024Technisonic Industries Ltd. (linked to Communications (Airborne): Optional TDFM-9300 radio (MD 500E/530F))
04/12/2024Teledyne FLIR (was FLIR Systems, Inc.) (linked to Imaging and Visual Systems: Optional Star SAFRIRE 380-HDc (MD 500E/530F))
04/12/2024FreeFlight Systems (linked to Indicators and Instruments: Optional RA-4500 radar altimeter (MD 500E/530F))
04/12/2024Garmin International (linked to Warning Systems: Optional HTAWS (MD 500E/530F))
04/12/2024Technisonic Industries Ltd. (linked to Communications (Airborne): Optional audio system (MD 500E/530F))
04/12/2024Canyon AeroConnect (was Cobham Aerospace Communications (U.S.A) (linked to Communications (Airborne): Optional audio system (MD 500E/530F))
04/12/2024Technisonic Industries Ltd. (linked to Communications (Airborne): Optional TFM-30 VHF/FM transceiver (MD 500E/530F))
04/12/2024Canyon AeroConnect (was Cobham Aerospace Communications (U.S.A) (linked to Communications (Airborne): Optional RT-7000 tactical radio and AA34 universal radio interface (MD 500E/530F))
04/12/2024L3Harris Technologies: WESCAM (linked to Imaging and Visual Systems: Optional MX-10 sensor turret (MD 500E/530F); MX-10D sensor turret (MD 530G))
04/12/2024Rolls-Royce Corporation (link to Engines)
04/12/2024Ahlers Aerospace, Inc. (link to Indicators and Instruments: Engine power out monitor (MD 500N))

Information on this page is compiled from a variety of sources, and links do not necessarily imply recommendation or confirmation by the airframe manufacturer.