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Rolls-Royce Corporation

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Address2001 S. Tibbs Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46206-0420, U.S.A.
Telephone+1 317 230 2000

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AE 1007 Turboshaft Engines; Free-turbine turboshaft engine, also known as the Rolls-Royce T406 - Bell Boeing CV-22B Osprey (AE 1007C), Bell Boeing MV-22B Osprey (AE 1007C-Liberty), Bell V-280 Valor (AE 1007F (FLRAA))
AE 2100 Turboprop Engines; Derived from AE 1107C-Liberty engine but with variable blades - Leonardo (Alenia) C-27J Next Generation (AE 2100D2A), Leonardo (Alenia) C-27J Spartan (AE 2100D2), Lockheed Martin C-130J Hercules (AE 2100D3), Lockheed Martin KC-130J (AE 2100D3), Lockheed Martin LM-100J (AE 2100D3), ShinMaywa US-2 (AE 2100J)
F136 Turbofan Engines; Turbofan engine developed by Rolls-Royce and GE Aviation - Lockheed Martin F-35B Lightning II (F136)
M250-B Turboprop Engines; Lightweight, two-shaft, high power turboprop engine - BAE Mantis (M250-B17), BNG BN2 Project Fresson (M250-B175C), Britten-Norman BN2T-4S Islander (M250-B17C), Extra EA-500 (M250-B17F/2), General Atomics Mojave (M250-B17F), Grob G 120TP-A (M250-B17F), Novaer T-Xc Turboprop (M250-B17F), Skyworks Hawk 5 (M250-B17), Vulcanair A-Viator (M250-B17F/1)
M250-C Turboshaft Engines; Light turbine engine for helicopters, and small aircraft - Bell 407 (M250-C47B), Bell 407GT (M250-C47B), Bell 407GX (M250-C47B), Bell 407GXi (M250-C47E/4), Bell 407GXP (M250-C47B/8), Boeing AH-6 (M250-C30), Boeing AH-6S (M250-C30R/3M), Boeing Unmanned Little Bird (M250-C30), Enstrom 480B (M250-C20W), Kamov Ka-226 (M250-C20R/2), Leonardo AW109 (M250-C14), MD 500E (M250-C20B/R), MD 520N (M250-C20R/R+), MD 530F Cayuse Warrior (M250-C30), MD 530F Lifter (M250-C30), MD 530G (M250-C30), MD 540F (M250-C47E), Northrop Grumman RQ-8B Fire Scout (M250-C20W), PZL Swidnik AW009 (M250-C20R/2 or M250-C30P), PZL Swidnik SW-4 (M250-C20R/2), Sabrewing Rhaegal RG-1 (M250-C47E), Schweizer S-333 (M250-C20W)
T56 Turboprop Engines; A military turboprop with commercial designation 501-D - Northrop Gruman E-2C Hawkeye (T56-A-427), Northrop Gruman E-2D Advanced Hawkeye (T56-A-427A)

Client aircraft programs

BAE Mantis Analysis Turboprop Engines: (Mantis - M250-B17)
Bell 407 Analysis Turboshaft Engines: (407 - M250-C47B; 407GX - M250-C47B; 407GXP - M250-C47B/8; 407GXi - M250-C47E/4; 407GT - M250-C47B)
Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey Analysis Turboshaft Engines: (MV-22B Osprey - AE 1007C-Liberty; CV-22B Osprey - AE 1007C)
Bell V-280 Valor Analysis Turboshaft Engines: (V-280 Valor - AE 1007F (FLRAA))
Boeing AH-6/Unmanned Little Bird Analysis Turboshaft Engines: (AH-6 - M250-C30; AH-6S - M250-C30R/3M; Unmanned Little Bird - M250-C30)
Britten-Norman BN2 Islander Analysis Turboprop Engines: (BN2 Project Fresson - M250-B175C; BN2T-4S - M250-B17C)
Enstrom 480B Analysis Turboshaft Engines: (480B - M250-C20W)
Extra EA-500 Analysis Turboprop Engines: (EA-500 - M250-B17F/2)
General Atomics MQ-9 Analysis Turboshaft Engines: (Mojave - M250-B17F)
Grob G 120 Analysis Turboprop Engines: (G 120TP-A - M250-B17F)
Kamov Ka-226T Analysis Turboshaft Engines: (Ka-226 - M250-C20R/2)
Leonardo (Alenia) C-27J Spartan Analysis Turboprop Engines: (C-27J Spartan - AE 2100D2; C-27J Next Generation - AE 2100D2A)
Leonardo AW109 Analysis Turboshaft Engines: (AW109 - M250-C14)
Lockheed Martin C-130J Hercules Analysis Turboprop Engines: (C-130J Hercules - AE 2100D3; LM-100J - AE 2100D3; KC-130J - AE 2100D3)
Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II Analysis Engine Nozzles: Lift fan, three bearing swivel module & roll posts for STOVL; Turbofan Engines: (F-35B Lightning II - F136)
MD 500E/530F Analysis Turboshaft Engines: (500E - M250-C20B/R; 530F Lifter - M250-C30; 530F Cayuse Warrior - M250-C30; 540F - M250-C47E; 530G - M250-C30)
Northrop Grumman E-2D Advanced Hawkeye Analysis Turboprop Engines: (E-2C Hawkeye - T56-A-427; E-2D Advanced Hawkeye - T56-A-427A)
Novaer T-Xc Analysis Turboprop Engines: (T-Xc Turboprop - M250-B17F)
PZL Swidnik SW-4 Analysis Turboshaft Engines: (SW-4 - M250-C20R/2; AW009 - M250-C20R/2 or M250-C30P)
Sabrewing Rhaegal RG-1 Analysis Turboshaft Engines: (Rhaegal RG-1 - M250-C47E)
Schweizer S-333 Analysis Turboshaft Engines: (RQ-8B Fire Scout - M250-C20W; S-333 - M250-C20W)
ShinMaywa US-2 Analysis Turboprop Engines: (US-2 - AE 2100J)
Skyworks Hawk 5 Analysis Turboprop Engines: (Hawk 5 - M250-B17)
Vulcanair A-Viator Analysis Turboprop Engines: (A-Viator - M250-B17F/1)

News and press releases


Association memberships Vertical Flight Society (VFS) - U.S.A.
Parent company Rolls-Royce plc - U.K.
Rolls-Royce North America Inc. - U.S.A.
Subsidiaries Light Helicopter Turbine Engine Company - LHTEC - U.S.A.

See an overview of the group of companies.

Stock exchange listings

XLON - London Stock ExchangeRolls-Royce Holdings plc - RR.
XFRA - Frankfurt Stock ExchangeRolls-Royce Holdings plc - RRU
XFRA - Frankfurt Stock ExchangeRolls-Royce - RRU1
XBER - Berlin Stock ExchangeRolls Royce Holdings plc - RRU
XBER - Berlin Stock ExchangeRolls Royce Holdings plc - RRU1
XDUS - Düsseldorf Stock ExchangeRolls Royce Holdings plc - A1H81L
XHAN - Hannover Stock ExchangeRolls Royce Holdings plc - A1H81L
XHAM - Hamburg Stock ExchangeRolls Royce Holdings plc - A1H81L
XMUN - Munich Stock ExchangeRolls-Royce Hldg. - A1H81L
XMUN - Munich Stock ExchangeRolls-Royce - 919520
XSTU - Stuttgart Stock ExchangeRolls Royce Holdings plc - RRU1
XSTU - Stuttgart Stock ExchangeRolls Royce Holdings plc - RRU