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CORENA announces S1000D package support for Bombardier C-Series suppliers
Thursday, 6 January 2011

CORENA, the leader in S1000D software, announced today the availability of a C-Series Configuration Kit for the CORENA S1000D CSDB. The C-Series is the latest program to be fully supported out-of-the-box by the CORENA CSDB; pre-built configurations for the LJ85 and A350 programs were made available by CORENA earlier this year.

CORENA CSDB configurations designed for specific programs provide suppliers with an out-of-the-box solution for generating, managing and delivering data in compliance with Learjet, Airbus or Bombardier program requirements. Because the specific parameters generated by the OEMs for these programs are already configured in the CORENA S1000D solution, suppliers can be up and running in a matter of hours.

"This CSDB configuration will save C-Series suppliers a great deal of cost and effort since the data requirements and business rules prescribed by Bombardier have already been addressed," said Toralf Johannessen, CEO, CORENA. "Using the pre-built C-Series configuration allows CORENA customers to generate their data according to Bombardier program requirements without going through the lengthy process of analysis, deployment and configuration typically associated with the adoption of a new data standard."

The C-Series CSDB solution consists of a license for up to 5 users, the CORENA S1000D CSDB software pre-configured with the C-Series data module requirements, and 40 hours of installation, training, and operational support.

Contact details from our directory:
Corena USA Inc. Technical Manuals, CIM Software
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