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SKF signs contracts to supply rod assemblies and titanium bearings for Bombardier's new CSeries aircraft
Thursday, 23 June 2011

SKF and Bombardier Aerospace have entered into a long-term contract for SKF to supply over 40 different rod assemblies and titanium bearings for Bombardier's all new CSeries aircraft.

The CSeries aircraft, which is optimized for the single-aisle 100 to 149 market will enter service in 2013.

The contract covers rods for flight control systems, door rods, and hydraulic rack and landing gear bearings.

The rods and bearings will be manufactured at SKF Aerospace's North American and European factories. Initial deliveries will be taking place later this year.

Rod assemblies are engineered tubular components requiring design cooperation from both parties from an early stage in the aircraft design. These rods require different strength-to-weight ratios for each application. A key factor is the choice of material, with selection being made from a number of possible variants composed of metallic or composite materials. The rods provide basic functionality in some applications, and are used in flight critical locations in others. At all times, respect for the environment dictates the choice of materials and manufacturing processes.

Contact details from our directory:
SKF Group Ball Bearings, Bearings, Roller Bearings, PTFE Seals, Struts, Mechanical Actuators, Hydraulic Actuators, Aircraft Structural Components, Metallic Bearings, Engine Control Quadrants, Aircraft & Helicopter Controllers, Rod Ends
Bombardier Inc. Airframer
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