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Ducommun to provide critical aerospace technology for U.S. refueling tanker
Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Ducommun Incorporated DCO today announced that its Ducommun AeroStructures (DAS) unit is part of the Boeing Company's BA supplier team selected to build the new fleet of aerial refueling tankers for the U.S. Air Force. Ducommun will initially be providing critical aerostructure components and assemblies including fuselage skins, door surrounds, floor structures, and interior configuration components, and the Company is actively pursuing additional opportunities to expand its scope of work.

"Working side by side with Boeing, Ducommun brings the latest aerospace technology to the U.S. Air Force Aerial Refueling Tanker Program in support of our troops overseas," said Anthony J. Reardon, president and chief executive officer. "This unique opportunity to join with other leading aerospace companies on such an important program is expected to result in improved Air Force efficiency and combat readiness."

Ducommun AeroStructures manufactures large, complex structural components and assemblies in aluminum, specialty alloys such as titanium, metal bond and composites for a wide variety of military and commercial aerospace applications.

Contact details from our directory:
Ducommun AeroStructures Metal Structures, Engine Baffles, Helicopter Rotors, Fairings, Fuselage Sections, Engine Inlets, Aircraft Control Surfaces, Exhaust Systems, Aircraft Doors, Helicopter Assemblies, Empennages, Aircraft Flooring, Turbine Engine Blades, Chemical Milling, Wing Spoilers, Design Services, Nacelles
Boeing Defense, Space & Security Airframer
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