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Boeing chooses Meggitt's advanced smoke detection system for KC-46 tanker
Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Boeing has selected a Meggitt cargo and cabin smoke detection system for the KC-46 refuelling tanker

The advanced system features advanced optical measurement features and digital signal processing to eliminate the false alarms that disrupt airline schedules, incurring significant cost to airline operators and impairing the readiness of military aircraft.

Meggitt's fire protection and control facility based in Simi Valley, California will supply the system with the state-the-art micro-particle discrimination feature. Model 604 discriminates between smoke and non-smoke sources of airborne particles-humidity, dust and airborne particulate contamination-based on their optical signature. Immunity to false alarms is guaranteed because it will not, like conventional systems, react to harmless dust concentrations.

18 KC-46 will be delivered by 2017 and the programme will continue until 2028, replacing the KC-135 that has served the United States Air Force for over 40 years. Meggitt, the planned supplier for all 179 KC-46 aircraft, will provide system spares for the lifetime of the programme, which should extend to a similar period.

Contact details from our directory:
Parker Meggitt Safety Systems Safety Equipment, Fire Fighting/Detection Systems, Fire & Smoke Detectors, Thermistors
Boeing Defense, Space & Security Airframer
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