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Beringer introduces new super-lightweight tailwheel for Sinus
Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Beringer Wheels & Brakes has announced a new, extremely lightweight tailwheel assembly for the Pipistrel Sinus, with applications for other aircraft.

The two-piece anodized aluminum wheel with sealed ball bearings and its 6-ply 200x50 tire and tube, assembled, weighs just 830 grams (29 ounces). It rides on the 8mm diameter Sinus axle; no aircraft modifications are required.

"We designed and built a particularly light but strong tailwheel to complement the BERINGER mains used throughout the Pipistrel line," said RĂ©mi Beringer, chief designer. "This wheel and tire have a design load of 150kg [330 lb], which makes this assembly ideal for the Sinus."

Other applications, including some in both OEM and homebuilt markets, will also benefit from this design's strength/weight ratio; the new BERINGER tailwheel may soon be seen on amateur-built aircraft, as well as in several additional OEM applications.

The tire is delivered already mounted and pressure-tested. It is ready for immediate delivery for use as a retrofit improvement, or for new installations. The factory invites OEM inquiries.

Contact details from our directory:
Beringer Aero (was Beringer SA) Brake System Components, Aircraft Wheels
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Pipistrel Sinus
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Landing Assemblies