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Frazer-Nash wins ditching modelling contract with Bombardier Aerospace
Friday, 11 January 2013

Engineering consultancy Frazer-Nash has been offering their services to support Bombardier Aerospace in the modelling of the CSeries aircraft program. Bombardier is developing the all-new CSeries family of aircraft to serve the 100- to 149-seat market segment.

Frazer-Nash's work will focus on completing studies that look at the scenario of ditching. The company has already validated its advanced modelling codes.

Commenting on the announcement, Glyn Norris, Business Manager at Frazer-Nash, said: "We are proud to be providing Bombardier with the expertise we have developed to model ditching. We have strong technical expertise in this field and have successfully demonstrated to our client that through applying Computational Fluid Dynamics and other numerical codes, ditching can be reliably predicted. This allows Bombardier to optimize, based on various design iterations, the number of physical tests to be conducted.

"Ditching represents just one scenario that our advanced suite of software can reliably model. Frazer-Nash has proven experience in modelling many aspects of an aircraft, including aerodynamics, landing gear, as well as flight and ground loads, all of which can be used by aerospace companies to provide assurance at any stage of the design process."

Contact details from our directory:
Frazer-Nash Consultancy Ltd Logistics Consultants, Management Consultants, Project Management Consultants, Safety Consultants, Management Studies, CIM Software, Reliability & Maintainability Services, Computer-aided Simulation, Computer-aided Analysis, Computer-aided Design, Cost Effective Analysis, Environmental Consultants
Bombardier Inc. Airframer
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