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Air Comm Corporation selected for Pilatus PC-24 environmental cooling and heating
Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Air Comm Corporation (ACC), an international leader in design and certification of environmental control systems for fixed and rotor wing aircraft, announced today that it has been awarded the contract from Pilatus Aircraft Ltd to provide a suite of major components of the ECS for the new PC-24 twin jet aircraft. ACC has been working with Pilatus for some time on the design of the vapor cycle air conditioning, cabin and cockpit distribution systems and electric heating systems for the new jet.

ACC's technology is incorporated throughout the PC-24 and includes state-of-the art components such as a semi-hermetic direct drive brushless DC compressor, actuated distribution valves, a suite of supplemental electric heaters that feature intrinsically safe PTC element technology, and a light weight brushless DC axial blower that provides ground cooling for the bleed air system. A highlight of ACC's engineering innovations is the compressor module, which utilizes a high power-density brushless controller configuration which provides cooling for the PC-24 both in flight and on the ground. It occupies only half the typical space and weight of some competing belt-driven systems. With infinitely variable speed, it delivers 33,000 BTUH in the PC-24 application despite its impressively low weight of only 8.4 kg. The axial blower provides high static pressure performance in a package more than 25% lighter than similar designs on the market.

Keith Steiner, President of ACC said, “We are proud to be working with Pilatus and to be able to contribute to the success of the PC-24 program. ACC's latest technological advances are setting an entirely new standard for the aircraft industry. ACC will continue to innovate and provide the latest technological advances in Environmental Control Systems, while maintaining our unmatched reputation for superb customer service, responsiveness and agility.”

Contact details from our directory:
ACE Thermal Systems Colorado (was Air Comm Corporation) Air Conditioning Equipment
Pilatus Aircraft Ltd Airframer
Related aircraft programs:
Pilatus PC-24
Related directory sectors:
Environmental Systems