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Liebherr-Aerospace signs letter of intent with Hafei-Harbin
Friday, 8 January 2016

Liebherr-Aerospace has recently signed a letter of intent with the Chinese manufacturer Hafei-Harbin (AVIC Group) in Harbin to equip the helicopters AC312C and AC312E with air management systems.

Liebherr-Aerospace will supply the air management systems for the versions C and E of the modernized helicopter AC312 program. The systems will be designed, manufactured and serviced by Liebherr-Aerospace Toulouse SAS, Toulouse (France), Liebherr's center of excellence for air management systems. They will feature highly- reliable, light-weight components based on technologies that build upon Liebherr's unmatched experience in air management systems for helicopter cabins and cockpit.

Hafei-Harbin, located in the North of China, has manufactured helicopters since 1952, partly in partnership with Airbus and Airbus Helicopters since the mid-1980s. Hafei-Harbin expects a good market prospect for the AC312C and AC312E in China and to consolidate its position on the growing Chinese helicopter market.

Liebherr-Aerospace & Transportation SAS, Toulouse (France), is one of eleven divisional control companies within the Liebherr Group and coordinates all activities in the aerospace and transportation systems sectors.

Liebherr-Aerospace is a leading supplier of systems for the aviation industry and has more than five decades of experience in this field. The range of aviation equipment produced by Liebherr for the civil and military sectors includes flight control and actuation systems, landing gear and air management systems as well as gearboxes. These systems are deployed in wide-bodied aircraft, single aisle and regional aircraft, business jets, combat aircraft, military transporters, military training aircraft, civil and combat helicopters.

Contact details from our directory:
Liebherr-Aerospace Toulouse Bleed Air Systems, Ice Protection/Prevention Equipment, Air Conditioning Equipment, Flap/Slat Mechanisms, Cooling Systems, Cabin Pressure Control Systems, Test Stands, Valves, Inverters, Avionics Heat Exchangers, Oil Coolers
AVIC Harbin Aircraft Industry (Group) Co Ltd Airframer
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