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GKN Aerospace congratulates Bombardier on entry into service of CS100 aircraft
Friday, 15 July 2016

GKN Aerospace warmly congratulates Bombardier on the entry into service of the CS100 aircraft with Swiss International Air Lines. The company provides the aircraft's wiring and interconnection system as well as the innovative one-piece winglet and aileron.

GKN Aerospace is responsible for the design and production of the complete electric wiring and interconnection system (EWIS) for both the CS100 and CS300 aircraft. The EWIS is designed with the company's wiring design manufacturing system (WDMS), which integrates all aspects of wiring management into one powerful online system with unique configuration and change control characteristics. EWIS design and development took place at the Bombardier facility in Montreal and at the GKN Aerospace operation in Woensdrecht, the Netherlands. Full-scale production is being undertaken at the company's facility in Lang Fang, China. GKN Aerospace also designed and produced all flight test and instrumentation wiring required to certify the C Series aircraft.

GKN Aerospace is also responsible for the advanced aileron and winglet structures for the CS100 and CS300. The all-composite, one-piece aileron and winglet design reduces the wing's structural weight and complexity and offers critical performance benefits to the airframe. Design and development phases were completed at the company's engineering centres in Munich, Germany and the Isle of Wight, UK, whilst a state-of-the-art manufacturing and assembly process has been introduced at the manufacturing facility, also on the Isle of Wight, to increase the speed of manufacture and minimise production costs. Complete winglet/aileron structures are delivered to Bombardier's Belfast operation, which has responsibility for producing the C Series aircraft's advanced composite wings.

Daniele Cagnatel, Senior Vice President for Business Development and Strategy at GKN Aerospace commented: “We congratulate Bombardier as its C Series aircraft begins life in operational service with Swiss International Air Lines and are very proud to have made our contribution to the wings and advanced wiring system of this totally new, ultra-efficient and ultra-flexible family of aircraft.”

Contact details from our directory:
GKN Aerospace - Cowes Composite Structures, Helicopter Assemblies, Aircraft Structural Components, Aircraft Doors, Wings, Empennages, Helicopter Landing Gear, Electrical Wire & Cable, Nacelles, Engine Nozzles, Engine Housings, Transparent Canopies, Fuel Tanks & Systems, Engine Parts, Winglets, Flotation Gear, Fuselage Sections, Engine Inlets, Windshields, Refueling Equipment, Air Refuelling Systems, Aircraft Landing Gear, Cable Assemblies, Aircraft Control Surfaces, Aircraft Flooring, Windows, Turbine Engine Blades
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