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Issued by: FACC AG

FACC extends strategic partnership with Bombardier
Monday, 19 June 2017

FACC AG, one of the world's leading suppliers of lightweight components to the aviation industry, will now also be producing the wing-to-body fairings for Bombardier Aerospace's new C Series family of regional aircraft. The corresponding contract with the Canadian aircraft manufacturer was recently extended and signed today during the Paris Airshow. The contract will be worth up to EUR 100 million in sales.

The original contract covered the development of the wing-to-body fairings, the production of the initial samples, approval testing, and the delivery of aerodynamic fairings for the first ten aircraft from the C Series family. Based on this initial success and the good business relation between the parties over the years, Bombardier has chosen FACC for the mid-term C Series production. FACC has thereby strengthened its strategic partnership with Bombardier. It already provides the wing-to-body fairings for the Global 7000 and Global 8000 aircraft and will now also be equipping the two C Series models CS100 and CS300 for the Canadian company. "Over the years, we have gained a great deal of experience in the production of wing-to-body fairings in various aircraft programs. This has allowed us to incorporate numerous innovations into the C Series components, which will reduce the weight considerably and improve the performance of the components," says Robert Machtlinger, CEO of FACC AG. "The fact that our long-standing customer Bombardier has now decided to extend the collaboration underlines our close partnership and bears testament to our performance over the years."

The wing-to-body fairings are aerodynamic systems that are attached to the underside of the aircraft's fuselage. Their shape has been designed to minimize the aerodynamic resistance of the aircraft. Furthermore, the fairings protect the aircraft systems underneath against in-flight damage caused by bird strikes.

Contact details from our directory:
FACC AG Engine Parts, Lavatory Equipment, Cabinets, Headlining Materials, Fairings, Aircraft Doors, Engine Nozzles, Thrust Reversers, Aircraft Structural Components, Testing Services, Aircraft Interiors, Aircraft Interior Bulkheads, Aircraft Flooring, Passenger Service Units (PSUs), Storage Bins, Window Panels, Wing Spoilers, Radomes, Thermoplastics, Wings, Winglets, Bleed Air Systems, Wing Flaps, Fire & Smoke Detectors, Engine Fan Casings, Cargo Liners, Elevators, Empennages, Engineering Design Services, Certification Services
Bombardier Inc. Airframer
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