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Viasat will bring enhanced cabin connectivity to Bombardier Challenger 300 and Challenger 350 business jets
Thursday, 23 July 2020

Viasat Inc., a global communications company, announced its high-speed Viasat Ka-band in-flight connectivity (IFC) business aviation service will be available aboard new and in-service Bombardier Challenger 350 aircraft, as well as on in-service Challenger 300 aircraft.

The Viasat service will provide an enhanced internet experience over the most heavily traveled flight routes and regions. Viasat service packages offer the fastest available download speeds in the super mid-size business jet segment, enabling passengers and crew to simultaneously enjoy data-rich, business-critical productivity and entertainment apps from video-conferencing and accessing VPN/cloud content to email, high-definition streaming services, live TV and more.

Viasat recently announced it removed internet speed limits delivered to the aircraft across all of its business aviation Ka-band service plans. The move represents an industry-first and provides an entirely new premium IFC experience for its Ka-band business jet customers. The new service plans offer uncapped speeds made possible by the world's highest-capacity satellite network combined with Viasat's compact and lightweight hardware. In recent speed tests, Viasat customers have seen 40 Mbps and higher download speeds across the new service plans, allowing for a more enriched in-flight connectivity experience.

"Our goal is to give passengers flying on Bombardier Challenger aircraft an enhanced connectivity experience through all phases of flight," said Claudio D'Amico, business area director, Business Aviation, Viasat. "We're confident our new Ka-band service offerings will deliver a no-compromise, premium, home-like connectivity experience for Bombardier's super mid-size business jets."

With its spacious cabin and smooth ride, the Challenger 350 aircraft is the best-selling business jet among top corporate flight departments and charter operators worldwide.


Viasat expects to have its FAA Supplemental Type Certificate for the Bombardier Challenger 300 and Challenger 350 business jets by the end of October 2020.

Contact details from our directory:
Viasat Inc. Radio Communications Equipment, Test Equipment, Computer-aided Simulation, Airborne Communication Systems
Bombardier Inc. Airframer
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Bombardier Challenger 300 series
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Communications (Airborne)