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Rockwell Collins selected for Boeing NewGen Tanker team
Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Boeing's NewGen Tanker will feature the same advanced Rockwell Collins flight deck technology that is being supplied to the 787 Dreamliner.

In addition to the flight deck, Rockwell Collins has been selected by Boeing to provide Communication, Navigation, Surveillance/Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM), aircraft networks and situational awareness capability to support the aircraft's mission.

"Rockwell Collins' ability to leverage our flight deck technology across our commercial and government businesses, along with our tanker/transport avionics expertise, will result in providing the Air Force with the most advanced technology and best value solution available," said Kelly Ortberg, executive vice president and chief operating officer for Rockwell Collins Government Systems. "Our track record of on-time, on-budget delivery has set Rockwell Collins apart as a trusted provider of avionics for our customers."

Rockwell Collins continues to build on a strong tradition of success providing integrated avionics solutions for military aircraft programs. By leveraging key avionics and communications developments across the company's commercial and military businesses and applying commercial off-the-shelf technology along with an open systems approach, Rockwell Collins is able to provide its customers with best value solutions.

The company's broad portfolio of capabilities ranges from offering total avionics solutions such as priming and managing the aircraft installation and acceptance tasks, to providing leading edge products and subsystems for new aircraft, to solving obsolescence issues for aging platforms.

Contact details from our directory:
Collins Aerospace, Avionics Division Head-Up Displays, Radio Communications Equipment, Moving Maps, Enhanced Vision Systems (EVS), LCD Displays, Engine Indicator Instruments, Cabin Management Systems, Automatic Flight Control Systems, Inflight Entertainment, Automatic Direction Finders, Cabin Address Systems, Autopilots, Radar/Radio Altimeters, Distance Measuring Equipment, VOR (Omnirange) Receivers, Avionics Management Systems, Air-to-Ground Data Links, Multi-Mode Receivers (MMR), Engine Control Quadrants, Control Panels, Aircraft & Helicopter Controllers, Collision Avoidance Systems/TCAS, Helmet-Mounted Displays (HMD), Weather Mapping Radar, Inertial Components & Systems, Attitude and Heading Reference Systems, Navigation Antennas, Transceivers, Flight Recorders, Cockpit Printers, Flight Directors, Flight Management Systems, Electronic Flight Instrument Systems, Air Data Computers, Onboard Computers, UAV Control Software, GPS, Simulation Systems, Surveillance/Air Defense Radar, Engine Controls, Terrain Awareness and Warning Systems, Horizontal Situation Indicator, Instrument Landing Systems, Command, Control & Intelligence Systems, Airborne Communication Systems, Cockpit Video Displays, Onboard Intercom Systems
Boeing Defense, Space & Security Airframer
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