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Boeing NewGen Tanker win would bring 2,500 jobs, $125 million to Texas
Tuesday, 25 May 2010

The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] today announced that Texas will benefit from approximately 2,500 jobs with 17 suppliers and an estimated $125 million in annual economic impact if the Boeing NewGen Tanker is selected as the U.S. Air Force's next aerial refueling aircraft.

"The Texas aerospace and defense industrial base is committed to providing critical components and technologies for the Boeing NewGen Tanker that will equip our brave servicemen and women with the best tanker in the world," said Texas Gov. Rick Perry.

Texas manufacturers ready to produce critical components on the NewGen Tanker include:

- Parker Aerospace, Fort Worth and Mansfield -- fluid conveyance systems including hoses, tubes and fittings

- Vought Aircraft Industries, Grand Prairie -- aft body section, pressure bulkhead and horizontal stabilizer.

Boeing currently has more than 5,000 employees in Texas supporting a variety of programs and works with 1,300 suppliers/vendors across the state, resulting in an estimated $1.9 billion in annual economic impact.

Contact details from our directory:
Boeing Defense, Space & Security Airframer
Parker Aerospace - Stratoflex Products Metallic Hoses, Non-Metallic Hoses, Hose Couplings, Galley Connectors, Tube Assemblies, Disconnects, Hydraulic Fittings, Fluid Conveyance Systems, Brake System Components, Hydraulic & Pneumatic Connectors, Hydraulic Fuses, Hydraulic Systems Restrictors, Metal Tubing, Quick Release Fasteners, Self-Locking Fasteners, Self-Locking Nuts, Waste Water Systems
Triumph Aerospace Structures - Technology & Engineering Center - Arlington Aircraft Structural Components, Empennages, Aircraft Doors, Nacelles, Wings, Helicopter Assemblies, Fuselage Sections, Wing Spoilers, Wing Flaps, Air Refuelling Systems, Wire Assemblies, Testing Services, Wing Spars, Fairings, Aircraft Flooring, Engineering Design Services, Thrust Reversers
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