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TIGHITCO awarded multi-year contract by Pratt and Whitney Canada
Thursday, 16 January 2025

TIGHITCO, a leading provider of advanced aerospace and industrial solutions, announced today that its Insulation Products Group, TIGHITCO Latin America, in Mexico, has been awarded a follow-on 7-year contract by Pratt and Whitney Canada. The contract involves the manufacturing of metallic and vacuum-formed thermal protection systems for use across multiple large engine platforms and industrial applications. The agreement with Pratt and Whitney Canada is valued up to $5.7 million USD, beginning in 2025.

“We are grateful to be chosen by Pratt and Whitney Canada as their ongoing supplier of thermal protection system barriers,” said TIGHITCO President & CEO Mark Withrow. “This award highlights the importance of continued partnerships, and our diverse product offerings, including those for the aerospace and heavy machinery industrial market segments.”

For more than 80 years, the TIGHITCO Insulation Products Group has been providing a diverse array of insulation products and solutions to the aerospace and industrial sectors. TIGHITCO Latin American specializes in encapsulated metal, metal foil, soft goods, and sewn insulation design and fabrication for aerospace, energy, and industrial applications.

“TIGHITCO remains dedicated to delivering superior products and services to our customers. We have a long history of delivering innovative solutions to meet the market’s needs. We look forward to a fruitful and enduring collaboration with Pratt and Whitney Canada,” Withrow added.

Contact details from our directory:
TIGHITCO Ladson SC Non-Destructive Testing, Polymer Composites, Honeycomb Core Composites, Metal Bonding, Composite Structures, Aircraft Structural Components, Aramid-reinforced Composites, Silicon-reinforced Composites, Thermal Insulation, Cargo Systems, Composite Sandwich Panels, Metal & Alloy Fabrications, Cargo Liners, Cargo Containers, Composite Manufacturing Services
Pratt & Whitney Canada Turboshaft Engines, Electric Motors, Turboprop Engines, Auxiliary Power Units, Turbofan Engines, Compressors, Engine Parts, Piston Engines
TIGHITCO Latin America Bending, Fabricating Services, Machining Services, Thermal Insulation, Forming, Metal Bonding, Hydraulic Forming, Stamping
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