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Farnborough International Airshow

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AddressShow Centre, ETPS Road, Farnborough, Hampshire, GU14 6FD, U.K.
Telephone+44 1252 532 800

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Marketing Air Shows (Farnborough Airshow 2024 dates: 22-26 July, 2024)

News and press releases

20/12/2024Press Release: Hermith GmbH: global titanium market leader - 2024 highlights & 2025 goals
05/12/2024NEWS: Safran expands engine production in Querétaro
05/12/2024Press Release: Mirabel hub of Espace Aéro innovation zone takes flight at YMX International Aerocity
Paid subscribers can see the full news archive for Farnborough International Airshow. Buy a subscription and log in for access.


Exhibitors 1Millikelvin - Australia (3311)
Accles & Pollock - U.K. (1320)
Accrofab (Alcester) Limited - U.K. (1320)
Accurus Aerospace Corporation - U.S.A. (C603)
Aciturri Manufacturing - Spain (2120)
Acutec Precision Aerospace, Inc. - U.S.A. (2324)
AD Aerospace Limited - U.K. (41250)
ADDEV Materials Aerospace Ltd - U.K. (1317)
ADR Alcen (was ADR s.a.s.) - France (1355, 1360)
ADS Group - U.K. (1016, 1018, 1020, 1022, 1023, 1024, 1025, 1026, 1027, 1028, )
ADSE Consulting and Engineering BV - Netherlands (1352)
Advanced Manufacturing (Sheffield) Ltd. - U.K. (4730)
Advanced Navigation - Australia (3311)
AED Cluster Portugal - Portugal (1160)
Aerea S.p.A. - Italy (1341)
Aernnova Aerospace - Spain (1138)
Aero Cotec Corporation - South Korea (4928, 4930)
Aero Master Co., Ltd. - South Korea (4838)
Aero Metals Alliance - U.K. (C119-120, 1231)
Aero Montreal - Canada (4121)
Aero Sekur SpA - Italy (1437)
Aero Service Global Group Ltd. (ASG Group) - U.K. (1320)
Aero Vodochody Aerospace a.s. - Czech Republic (41331)
Aero-Hose, Corp. - U.S.A. (3018A)
Aerocom Metals Limited - U.K. (1526)
AeroGen-TEK - U.S.A. (2516)
AeroMech Inc. - U.S.A. (1402)
Aeronamic B.V. - Netherlands (1352)
Aeronautical Systems, Inc. - U.S.A. (2426)
Aerospace Materials Management Srl (AMM Italy) - Italy (1015)
Aerospace Systems & Components Inc. - U.S.A. (3350)
Aerospace Technologies Group - U.S.A. (3114A)
AeroSpace Technology of Korea (ASTK) - South Korea (4930)
Aerospace Wales Forum - U.K. (1221)
AeroTEC - U.S.A. (1351)
Aerotecnic - Spain (2121)
AES Aerospace Embedded Solutions GmbH - Germany (3921)
AIA Aerospace Industries Association - U.S.A. (B040)
AIAC Aerospace Industries Association of Canada - Canada (C223, 4524)
AIAD Italian Federation for Aerospace, Defence and Security - Italy (1337)
AIP Precision Machining - U.S.A. (3117E)
Air Cost Control USA, LLC - U.S.A. (4540)
Air Industries Group - U.S.A. (2127)
Airbus S.A.S. - France (4105, E009, E010, E028, 4105)
Aircraft Lighting International Inc. - U.S.A. (3944)
Aircraft Materials UK - U.K. (4831)
Airtech Advanced Materials UK - U.K. (1307)
Airtificial Aerospace & Defense - Spain (2121)
Alabama Department of Commerce - U.S.A. (3340)
Albany Engineered Composites - U.S.A. (C603, 3330)
Alfa Meccanica S.r.l. - Italy (1245)
All Metal Services - U.K. (4318)
Alleima AB - Sweden (1335)
Allinox Components - Italy (1245)
Alloy Wire International Ltd - U.K. (1320)
Alp Aviation - Turkey (41347, 41341)
Alpha Metalcraft Group - U.S.A. (2332)
Alpine Aviation Group - U.S.A. (2023)
Altair Consortium - Italy (1245)
Altair Engineering, Inc. - U.S.A. (1116)
ALTEN - France (1518)
AMAG Austria Metall AG - Austria (4960)
American Industries - U.S.A. (3320)
AMETEK, Inc. - U.S.A. (C323, 41314, 41413)
AMI Metals Inc. - U.S.A. (C228)
Amphenol CIT (was Carlisle Interconnect Tech.) - U.S.A. (41124)
Amphenol Ltd. - U.K. (1510)
Amtech Automated Machine & Technology, Inc. - U.S.A. (4230)
Andalucia Aerospace Cluster Empresarial - Spain (2121)
ANH Structure Co., Ltd. - South Korea (4930)
ANSYS UK, Ltd. - U.K. (C221)
Apollo Aerospace Components Ltd - U.K. (1130)
Appareo Systems, LLC - U.S.A. (3127)
APR Srl - Italy (1245)
Aquarese Industries S.A. - France (1360)
ARC Aero Systems - U.K. (4802)
Aresia (Villeneuve-la-Garenne site) - France (1360)
Arkwin Industries Inc. - U.S.A. (4340)
Arnprior Aerospace, Inc. - Canada (4230)
Arrowhead Products - U.S.A. (4350)
Asco Industries N.V - Belgium (1157)
ASE SpA - Italy (1538)
Aselsan Inc. - Turkey (4924)
Ashot Ashkelon Industries - Israel (3929)
ASMG - Aerospace & Speciality Metals Group - U.S.A. (4230)
Assyst Bullmer Ltd - U.K. (1307)
Astronautics Corp of America - U.S.A. (2031)
Astronics AeroSat - U.S.A. (3841)
Ateliers de la Haute Garonne AHG - France (1360)
ATI Aerospace Technology Institute - U.K. (3501)
ATI Inc. - U.S.A. (C318-322)
AtkinsRéalis - U.K. (1110, 4710, C131-132)
ATL Europe - U.K. (4724)
Atlantic Casting & Engineering Corporation - U.S.A. (3233)
ATR Avions de Transport Regional - France (C213-214)
Ausco, Inc. - U.S.A. (2326)
Avantus Aerospace (was Shimtech Industries) - U.K. (1151)
Aveo Engineering Group - Czech Republic (41331)
Aveo Engineering, LLC - U.S.A. (4728)
Avio Aero (GE Aerospace) - Italy (B026)
Avionica, LLC - U.S.A. (3018C)
Aviorec Srl - Italy (1437)
Aviva Metals - U.S.A. (1360)
B-Tech Engineering - U.K. (3930)
Badger Technology Group - U.S.A. (2023)
BAE Systems plc - U.K. (Hall 5)
Bahrain International Airshow - Bahrain (C316-317)
Bajío Aerospace Cluster - BJX Aerospace - Mexico (3320)
Baoji Titanium Industry Co. Ltd. (BAOTI) - China (2514)
Barnbrook Systems Ltd. - U.K. (1317)
Barnes Aerospace - U.K. (C113)
Barrett Aerospace Pte. Ltd. - Singapore (1307)
BCW Group - U.K. (1307)
Beagle Aircraft - U.K. (1317)
Becker Avionics GmbH - Germany (2512)
BEL Engineering (UK) Ltd. - U.K. (4736)
Belcan Services Group - U.S.A. (C127)
Bell Helicopter Textron - U.S.A. (A031)
Bibus Metals Group - Switzerland (1320)
BIKAR Aerospace GmbH - Germany (1134)
Bisiach & Carrù - Italy (1245)
BMT Aerospace International - Belgium (1157)
Bodycote - U.K. (41340)
Boeing Company - U.S.A. (C603, C201-206, C620, D010)
Bollhoff Ltd. (was Bollhoff Armstrong Ltd.) - U.K. (1056)
Boom Supersonic - U.S.A. (C110-112)
Borrelly Spring Washers - France (3940)
Brancaro Industries Srl - Italy (1245)
Bright Engineering (Precision Products) Ltd. - U.K. (1317)
Briles Aerospace, LLC - U.S.A. (41320)
Broadway Engineering - U.K. (1320)
Brookhouse Aerospace (was Kaman Composites Ltd.) - U.K. (1307)
Buoyancy Aerospace Ltd. - U.K. (41521)
Caast SpA - Italy (1538)
Cadence Design Systems, Inc. - U.S.A. (3345)
CAE Inc. - Canada (C122-122A)
Callen-Lenz Group - U.K. (1331)
Camberley Rubber Mouldings Ltd. - U.K. (4812)
Capgemini Engineering - Switzerland (C130, 1211)
Carpenter Technology Corporation - U.S.A. (4945)
CarteNav Solutions - Canada (4523)
Carter Manufacturing Ltd - U.K. (1031)
Castle Metals - U.S.A. (41150)
CAV Systems (was CAV Ice Protection) - U.S.A. (1525)
CCP Gransden Ltd - U.K. (1321)
CDI Products - U.S.A. (4836)
CEiiA - Portugal (1160)
CEL Aerospace Test Equipment - Canada (4121)
Celab Srl - Italy (1437)
CFM International Inc. - U.S.A. (D045)
CGR Aerospace Division - France (4042)
Charvat AXL, a.s. - Czech Republic (41331)
Cincinnati Thermal Spray, Inc. - U.S.A. (2527)
CIRA Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospazia - Italy (1445)
CIRCOR International, Inc - U.S.A. (C215)
Civitanavi Systems Srl - Italy (1443)
Clampco Products Inc. - U.S.A. (1431)
Cleveland Wirecloth & Manufacturing Co. - U.S.A. (1431)
Click Bond Inc. - U.S.A. (1058)
Clifford-Jacobs Forging (IMT Group) - U.S.A. (3742)
CloudNC - U.K. (41520)
Cobham Aerospace Communications - France (41335)
Cogne Acciai Speciali s.p.a - Italy (4950)
Collins Aerospace - U.S.A. (1320)
COMAC Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, Ltd. - China (C231, 41130)
CoMeAr srl - Italy (1143, 1145)
Compolam BV - Belgium (1157)
Composite Resources - U.S.A. (2324)
Composite Technology Research Malaysia (CTRM) - Malaysia (1251)
Composites Busch SA - Switzerland (1307)
Composites UK - U.K. (1307)
Comutensili SpA - Italy (1245)
Consolidated Aerospace Manufacturing LLC (CAM) - U.S.A. (4531)
Consolidated Industries, Inc - U.S.A. (4230)
Cordon Electronics Italia Srl - Italy (1538)
CPI Electron Device Business - TMD Technologies Division - U.K. (1120K)
Crane Aerospace & Electronics - U.S.A. (4530)
Cranfield Aerospace Solutions Ltd - U.K. (1008)
Cranfield University Aerospace - U.K. (1027)
Crescent Manufacturing - U.S.A. (2524)
Crisalion Mobility - Spain (41321)
Crissair (ESCO Fluid Controls) - U.S.A. (3331)
Cross Manufacturing Co. (1938) - U.K. (2008)
Cybermeca - France (1360)
Cygnet Texkimp Limited - U.K. (1307)
Daido Steel - U.S.A. (2006, 2117, 2504)
Darchem Engineering Ltd. - U.K. (1320)
Dassault Systemes - France (C207-208)
Dawin Friction Co., Ltd. - South Korea (41138)
DCM Group - Aerostructures Centre of Excellence - Canada (4121)
De Havilland Aircraft of Canada Limited - Canada (C125-126)
Delkia Aerospace - U.K. (1025)
DeltaHawk Engines, Inc. - U.S.A. (2023)
DEMGY Chicago (was Met2Plastic) - U.S.A. (3742)
Denison Industries - U.S.A. (3233)
Denroy Plastics Ltd - U.K. (1321)
DePe Gear - U.K. (1307)
Deutsche Aircraft GmbH - Germany (C328-329)
Dexter Magnetic Technologies - U.S.A. (41320)
Diadès Marine - France (1355, 1360)
Diehl Aviation GmbH - Germany (4921)
DMG Mori UK Ltd. - U.K. (3528)
Dovetail Electric Aviation Pty Ltd - Australia (3311)
Dowty Propellers - U.K. (B026)
Drake Plastics Ltd. Co. - U.S.A. (1054)
Druck - U.K. (4138)
Ducommun, Inc. - U.S.A. (C229-230)
Duke Manufacturing - U.S.A. (1431)
Dynamic Aerospace Fabrications Ltd. (was Paul Fabrications) - U.K. (1320)
Dynatech Engineering/Dynatech Aerospace - U.S.A. (2529)
Eaton Corporation - U.S.A. (C226-227A)
Elbit Systems Ltd - Israel (1330)
Elbit Systems of America - U.S.A. (2035)
Electric Power Systems (EPS) - U.S.A. (2338)
Element Materials Technology HQ - U.K. (1029)
Elgiloy Specialty Metals - U.S.A. (2127)
Eligio Re Fraschini S.p.A. - Italy (1538)
Ellena - Italy (1245)
ELT Group (was Elettronica S.p.A.) - Italy (1340)
Embraer-Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A. - Brazil (C104-106)
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - U.S.A. (3111E)
Emerson - National Instruments Corp. - U.S.A. (1016)
EN4 - Italy (1143, 1145)
EnerSys - U.S.A. (3731)
Engineering & Software Systems Solutions, Inc. (ES3) - U.S.A. (2334)
Enjet Aero - U.S.A. (2127)
Epsilon Composites - Turkey (4858)
ERG Aerospace Corporation - U.S.A. (2335)
Ergoseal, Inc. - U.S.A. (3742)
ESCO Technologies Inc. - U.S.A. (3331)
Essex Industries - U.S.A. (3031)
Essner Manufacturing - U.S.A. (2516)
Etezazi Industries, Inc. - U.S.A. (3350)
Euramec N.V. - Belgium (1157)
Eurofighter GmbH - Germany (C135-137, E020)
Evolito Ltd - U.K. (1107)
Expleo - U.K. (1305)
Expromet Technologies Group - U.K. (1217)
Extrude Hone Ltd. - U.K (1557)
FAMEX - Feria Aeroespacial México - Mexico (3320)
FANUC Robotics America Corp. - U.S.A. (4900)
Farnborough Aerospace Consortium - U.K. (1317)
Fastavia Ltd - U.K. (3730)
Fastech LLC - U.S.A. (2125)
Fastener Dimensions - U.S.A. (2536)
FDH Aero - U.S.A. (1121)
Feiran Technology Sdn. Bhd. - Malaysia (1251)
FEMIA Federación Mexicana de la Industria Aeroespacial A.C. - Mexico (3320)
Feronyl - Belgium (1157)
Ferra Aerospace - Australia (3311)
Fiber Dynamics Inc. - U.S.A. (3350)
Figeac-Aero - France (1360)
FIMAC - Italy (4050)
Finework (Hunan) New Energy Technology Co. Ltd. - China (4800)
Firan Technology Group (FTG) - Canada (4520)
Fischer Instrumentation (GB) Ltd - U.K. (4731)
Flare Bright Ltd. - U.K. (3100)
Flexcompute, Inc. - U.S.A. (3928)
FMT Aerospace - U.K. (1133)
Foam Engineers Ltd. - U.K. (1522)
Fokker Next Gen NV (was Netherlands Aircraft Co.) - Netherlands (1352)
Fokker Services HQ - Netherlands (1352)
FOMAP S.r.l. - Italy (1143, 1145)
Forecast International Inc. - U.S.A. (3030)
Forged Solutions Group - U.K. (4122)
Forgital Group - Italy (1440)
Franke Industrie AG - Switzerland (4517)
Fresal Srl - Italy (1245)
Frisa Industries - Mexico (3320)
FSC Cutting Tool Technology, LLC - U.S.A. (2324)
FSi (Norwegian Defence and Security Industries Association) - Norway (2211)
FSL Aerospace Ltd - U.K. (1531)
Fucine Umbre Srl - Italy (1143, 1145)
Future Metals, LLC - U.S.A. (3117A, 3000A, C229-230)
G & O Springs Ltd - U.K. (1320)
G.W. Lisk Company Inc. - U.S.A. (4814)
Galley Support Innovations, Inc. - U.S.A. (3125)
Gastops - Canada (4520)
GE Aerospace Engines - U.S.A. (B026)
General Atomics Aeronautical Systems (GA-ASI) - U.S.A. (2140)
General Dynamics UK - U.K. (1300)
General Plastics Manufacturing Co. - U.S.A. (1351)
Georg Fischer Casting Solutions AG - Switzerland (4517)
Georg Fischer Machining Solutions - U.S.A. (4517)
Georg Martin GmbH - Germany (1044)
GGB Bearings - U.S.A. (41512)
GIFAS - France (1360)
GIMAS - Moroccan Aerospace Industries Association - Morocco (41330)
GKM (Aerospace) Ltd. - U.K. (1120E)
GKN Aerospace - U.K. (C630)
Globe Engineering Co., Inc. - U.S.A. (3350)
Gobel & Partner Ltd - U.K. (1320)
Gould Alloys Ltd. - U.K. (C119-120, 1231)
GR Trattamenti Termici Srl (GRTT) - Italy (1437)
Groveley Precision Engineering Limited - U.K. (1317)
Growermetal - Italy (1538)
Grupo Sevilla Control (GSC) - Spain (2121)
Gruppo Parpas - Italy (1059)
GSE Dynamics - U.S.A. (3946)
GSE-M Technology Sdn Bhd - Malaysia (1251)
Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation - U.S.A. (3950)
Gyro-Stabilized Systems - U.S.A. (2340)
Handling Specialty - Canada (4520)
HandyTube Corporation - U.S.A. (C118)
Hankuk Carbon Co., Ltd. - South Korea (4930)
Hanshin Metalics Corp. - Japan (3026)
Hanwha Group - South Korea (4931, C312)
Hanwha Systems - South Korea (4931, C312)
HarcoSemco - U.S.A. (4440)
Harlow Aerostructures - U.S.A. (3350)
Harmonic Drive UK Ltd - U.K. (41131)
Haynes International - U.S.A. (C603)
Heart Aerospace - Sweden (41118)
Heggemann AG - Germany (41532)
HEICO Aerospace - U.S.A. (4540)
Helix - U.K. (1320)
Helix Linear Technologies - U.S.A. (2025)
Heller - Gebr. Heller Maschinenfabrik GmbH - Germany (1320)
Hempel Special Metals Ltd. - U.K. (1320)
Hermith GmbH - Germany (41517)
Héroux-Devtek Inc. - Canada (4321)
Hexagon AB - Sweden (3531)
Hexcel Kent - U.S.A. (C212)
Hezarfen Aero - Turkey (41347, 41341)
Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. - India (C404)
HITEC Sensor Developments - U.S.A. (2513)
HMS Makina Sanayi Ve Tic A.S. - Turkey (41347, 41341)
Ho-Ho-Kus, Inc. - U.S.A. (3948)
Honda Aircraft Company - U.S.A. (Hall A3, 305)
Honeywell Aerospace - U.S.A. (C134)
Houston Precision Fasteners - U.S.A. (1435)
Hover, Inc - U.S.A. (1351)
Howmet Aerospace Inc. - U.S.A. (C224-225)
HQW Precision GmbH - Germany (1530)
HR Smith Group of Companies - U.K. (1430)
HTS Vacuum Furnaces Srl - Italy (1048)
Hummingbird Aero LLC - U.S.A. (2338)
Hurst Green Plastics Ltd - U.K. (1326)
Hutchinson Group - France (1227)
Hybrid Air Vehicles Ltd - U.K. (3831)
HycAero (was Hycrome Aerospace) - U.K. (1307)
Hyde Aero Products Ltd. - U.K. (1120C)
Hydraulics International Inc. - U.S.A. (3941)
Hygrade Precision Technologies, LLC - U.S.A. (2127)
HyPerComp Engineering Inc. - U.S.A. (2338)
IFA Precision Forge (was Independent Forgings & Alloys Ltd) - U.K. (1131)
IHI Corporation - Japan (2006, 2117, 2504)
IHI Ionbond AG - Switzerland (3934)
Impro Aerotek Ltd. - China (4734)
Improvage Precision Sdn. Bhd. - Malaysia (1251)
ImSAR LLC - U.S.A. (2338)
Industrial Machine Tools, Inc. - U.S.A. (1351)
Industrial Metals International Ltd - U.S.A. (2510)
Ingenium Aerospace LLC - U.S.A. (3742)
Ingenium Technologies Corp - U.S.A. (3742)
Insitu Pacific - Australia (3311)
Integrated Technologies, Inc. (Intec) - U.S.A. (2516)
Intelligent Energy Ltd - U.K. (1024)
Intergalactic - U.S.A. (1000, 4213)
Irvin-GQ (Airborne Systems Ltd.) - U.K. (1221)
Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd. - Aircraft - Israel (C330)
Italiana Ponti Radio S.r.l - Italy (1538)
ITP Aero (Industria de Turbo Propulsores) - Spain (1311)
J&M Products, Inc. - U.S.A. (4716)
Jabil Engineering Design - U.S.A. (4740)
Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. - U.S.A. (3931)
Jaivel Aerospace - U.K. (1320)
JANA Inc. - U.S.A. (3140)
Jdeal-Form Srl - 3ntr - Italy (1245)
Jean Gallay SA - Switzerland (4517)
Jekta Switzerland SA - Switzerland (4517)
Jergens Inc. - U.S.A. (1431)
JetZero - U.S.A. (C603)
Jiffy Air Tool, Inc. - U.S.A. (41513)
Jihlavan, A.S. - Czech Republic (41331)
JOBS Automazione SpA - Italy (1052)
Joby Aviation, Inc. - U.S.A. (41000)
Jointek S.r.l. - Italy (1245)
Joss Engineering (Barrow) Ltd. - U.K. (4515)
JYR Aviation Components Co, Ltd. - Taiwan (4832)
KAIA Korea Aerospace Industries Association - South Korea (4928)
Kale Arge - Turkey (4947)
Kallman Worldwide, Inc. - U.S.A. (C603, Hall 2, 3, 4)
Kamatics Corporation - U.S.A. (2509)
Kaney Aerospace - U.S.A. (3742)
Kawasaki Aerospace - Japan (2006, 2117, 2504)
Kearfott Corporation - U.S.A. (2031)
Kenard Engineering Group - U.K. (1034)
Kencoa Aerospace (was HGMC) - U.S.A. (4930)
Kepston Limited - U.K. (1320)
KIHOMAC - U.S.A. (2338)
Killdeer Mountain Manufacturing Inc. - U.S.A. (3127)
Kingfield Electronics Limited - U.K. (1217)
Kipco Radar & Aerospace Co., Ltd. - South Korea (4930)
KMWE Aerospace - Netherlands (1352)
Knight Precision Wire - U.K. (1028)
Kongsberg Defense & Aerospace AS - Norway (2111)
Korea Aerospace Industries Ltd. - South Korea (4940)
Korea Non-Ferrous Metals Co., Ltd. (KNF) - South Korea (4930)
Koss Aerospace - Canada (4520)
KPA Kucukpazarli Aerospace - Turkey (41347, 41341)
Kratos Unmanned Aerial Systems (KUAS) - U.S.A. (2322, 2519)
Lebronze Alloys - France (4030)
Lee Products Ltd. - U.K. (41120)
LeFiell Manufacturing Co. - U.S.A. (3021)
Lenape Forge Inc. - U.S.A. (4230)
Lentus Composites - U.K. (3840)
Leonardo SpA - Italy (B010)
Liberty Steel Group - U.K. (41141)
Liebherr-Aerospace Toulouse - France (4918)
LIG Nex1 - South Korea (4022)
Lilium GmbH - Germany (2110)
Lincotek Surface Solutions Corp. - Italy (3828)
Linde Advanced Material Technology (was Praxair) - U.S.A. (3530)
LMA Srl - Italy (1235)
Loar Group, Inc. - U.S.A. (3133)
Lockheed Martin Corporation - U.S.A. (C412, C501)
Logic S.p.A - Italy (1441)
Lom Praha s.p. - Czech Republic (41331)
Lombardia Aerospace Cluster - Italy (1538)
Loos & Co. Inc. - U.S.A. (3117F)
M.E.RIN - Italy (1437)
MAC Aerospace Corporation - U.S.A. (2528)
MAG Aerospace - U.S.A. (2125)
Magellan Aerospace Corp. - Canada (4520)
Magnet-Schultz Gmbh & Co KG - Germany (4721)
Maher Ltd - U.K. (4839)
MAIA Malaysian Aerospace Industry Association - Malaysia (1251)
Makino Milling Machine Co. Ltd. - Japan (C603)
Mallard Enterprises - U.S.A. (2023)
MAPP Technologies, LLC - U.S.A. (2533)
Marmen, Inc. - Canada (4121)
Marotta Controls, Inc. - U.S.A. (2331)
Marshall Aerospace - U.K. (3321)
Martin Machine (Aeropact USA) - U.S.A. (1431)
Martin-Baker Aircraft Co. Ltd. - U.K. (C109, 1260)
Marvin Engineering Company (MEC) - U.S.A. (2131)
Master Fluid Solutions WDG GmbH - Germany (1431)
Matt Black Systems - U.K. (4829)
maxon - U.S.A. (4028)
Maycast-Nokes Precision Engineering Ltd. - U.K. (1320)
MBDA UK - U.K. (1230, E032)
McNAIR Center for Aerospace, Innovation, Research - University of South Carolina - U.S.A. (2324)
McStarlite Company - U.S.A. (2340)
MDA - Canada (4500)
MDS Aero Support Corporation - Canada (4520)
Mecachrome France - France (1360)
Mecadaq Group - France (1360)
MECAER Aviation Group - Italy (1538 1538)
Meccanotecnica Umbra S.p.A. - Italy (1143, 1145)
Mercury Systems, Inc. - U.S.A. (C603)
Merletti Aerospace Srl - Italy (1538)
Merlin Labs, Inc. - U.S.A. (1200)
Mersen UK - U.K. (1320)
Metalweb Ltd - U.K. (1307)
Metavonics - France (1355, 1360)
Meyer Tool Poland - Poland (3560)
MGM Compro International, S.R.O. - Czech Republic (41331)
Michelin Bourges - France (1360)
MicroLink Devices - U.S.A. (3742)
Mid-Mountain Materials, Inc. - U.S.A. (1351)
Middleton Sheet Metal / MSM Aerospace - U.K. (1120M)
Midlands Aerospace Alliance - U.K. (1320)
Mill-Turn Technologies - Italy (1150)
MinebeaMitsumi - Japan (2019)
Mini Gears Group - U.K. (1051)
Missiles & Space Batteries Ltd - U.K. (1020)
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Aero Engines, Ltd - Japan (C123-124, 2006, 2117, 2504)
Mitsui Seiki - U.S.A. (2006, 2117, 2504)
MJ Sections Ltd. - U.K. (1320)
Moog Inc. - U.S.A. (C218-219)
Motor Sich JSC - Ukraine (1454)
Moyola Precision Engineering - U.K. (1321)
MSP Manufacturing (MSP Aviation) - U.S.A. (41519)
MST Manufacturing LLC - U.S.A. (2322, 2519)
MTD Ltd (Midland Tool & Design) - U.K. (1320)
MTU Aero Engines - Germany (1215)
Mubea Aviation GmbH (was Mubea FLAMM) - Germany (41522)
Murphy and Nolan, Inc. - U.S.A. (2537)
Nammo Composite Solutions - U.S.A. (2211)
NASA Glenn Research Center - U.S.A. (1431)
National Precision Bearing - U.S.A. (1351)
NEMA Ltd. - U.K. (4021)
NES&TEC Co., Ltd. - South Korea (41133)
Netherlands Aerospace Group - Netherlands (1352)
New England Airfoil Products (NEAP) - U.S.A. (2127)
New England Expert Technologies (NE-XT Technologies) - U.S.A. (2127)
Nexteam Group SAS - France (1360)
NIAR Werx at Wichita State University - U.S.A. (C314-315)
Nidec Aerospace - U.S.A. (4718)
Nikon SLM Solutions (was SLM Solutions Group) - Germany (4005)
Nippi Corporation Aerospace Division - Japan (2006, 2117, 2504)
Nitronica - U.K. (1321)
NLR - Royal Netherlands Aerospace Centre - Netherlands (1352)
North West Aerospace Alliance - U.K. (1307)
Northrop Grumman Corporation - U.S.A. (C603)
Northrop Grumman Italia S.p.A. - Italy (1433)
Northrop Grumman LITEF GmbH - Germany (2313)
Novaria Group - U.S.A. (3541)
Novintec - France (1360)
Nu-Tech Precision Metals Inc. - Canada (4722)
Numerical Control Manufacturing (NCM) S.p.A. - Italy (1143, 1145)
NWI Nashville - U.S.A. (C314-315)
NWI Wichita (was Triumph Aerospace Structures - Wichita) - U.S.A. (C314-315)
Nycote Laboratories Corporation - U.S.A. (2340)
O'Fallon Casting - U.S.A. (2023)
Oerlikon Balzers AG - Liechtenstein (3540)
OHB SE - Germany (4314)
Ohio Aerospace Institute - U.S.A. (1431)
Okazaki Manufacturing Company - Japan (4830)
Oldham Engineering Ltd. - U.K. (3027)
Olsen Actuation UK - U.K. (4811)
Olstral Hpt Srl - Romania (4525)
OMA Officine Meccaniche Aeronautiche SpA - Italy (1143, 1145)
OMADA International - U.S.A. (2322, 2519)
Omnifactory - U.K. (1500)
Ondrives Ltd. - U.K. (2311)
Ontic - U.S.A. (4120)
Opal-RT Technologies, Inc. - Canada (4121)
Optisys Inc. - U.S.A. (2338)
Orbitech Co. Ltd. - South Korea (4930)
ORC Products Inc. - U.S.A. (3125)
Orkal Industries LLC - U.S.A. (3018A)
OSSA Ostim Defence and Aviation Cluster - Turkey (41347, 41341)
Overwatch Imaging - U.S.A. (2023)
Oxford Technical Solutions Ltd. (OxTS) - U.K. (2017)
Oxley Group plc - U.K. (1307)
PAC Group - U.K. (1321)
Packet Digital - U.S.A. (3127)
Panasonic Avionics Corporation - U.S.A. (C232)
Pankl Aerospace Systems Europe GmbH - Austria (3721, 3725, 3728)
Paradigm Parachute & Defense Inc. - U.S.A. (3111H)
Paramount Panels (UK) Ltd - U.K. (1042)
Park Aerospace Corp. - U.S.A. (3350)
Parker Hannifin Corp. - U.S.A. (C107-108)
Patriot Taxiway Industries - U.S.A. (2523)
PCX Aerosystems, LLC - U.S.A. (2127)
Performance Review Institute (Europe Office) - U.K. (3019)
Phoenix Specialty Mfg. Co. - U.S.A. (2324)
Phoenix Systems UK Ltd. - U.K. (1317)
Pietro Rosa TBM Srl - Italy (1347)
Pilgrim Aerospace Fasteners - U.S.A. (3741)
Pinnacle Aerospace, LLC - U.S.A. (3350)
Pioneer Industries - U.S.A. (1351)
Placeteco, Inc. - Canada (4121)
Plyable - U.K. (3100)
Plymouth Engineered Shapes - U.S.A. (2011)
Plymouth Tube Co. - U.S.A. (2011)
PMI Group - U.S.A. (41320)
PNAA Pacific Northwest Aerospace Alliance - U.S.A. (1351)
Poeton Industries Ltd. - U.K. (1217)
Poggipolini S.p.A. - Italy (1435)
Polyformes Limited - U.K. (1060)
Porvair Filtration Group Ltd - U.K. (4020)
PPG Industries Inc. - U.S.A. (1140)
Praetorian Aeronautics - Australia (3311)
Pratt & Whitney - U.S.A. (C301-305, C631)
Precision Alloy Services, Inc. - U.S.A. (2517)
Precision Castparts Corporation PCC - U.S.A. (C603)
Precision Technologies Ltd - U.K. (1320)
Prince & Izant, NUTEC - U.S.A. (4415)
Pro-Roll Ltd. - U.K. (41542)
Productive Machines Ltd. - U.K. (3100)
Progressive Alloy Steels Unlimited Inc. - U.S.A. (C119-120, 1231)
Proponent - Netherlands (1426)
PSIONdsp Corp. - South Korea (41133)
PteroDynamics Inc. - U.S.A. (2023)
PTI Technologies Inc. - U.S.A. (3331)
Pursuit Aerospace Manchester CT - U.S.A. (1414)
PWR Advanced Cooling Technology - Australia (3311)
Qarbon Aerospace (Foundation) - U.S.A. (2123)
QFP Srl - Italy (1143, 1145)
QinetiQ - U.K. (C101-103)
R-Tech Materials - U.K. (1221)
Radalytica a.s. - Czech Republic (41331)
Radia, Inc. - U.S.A. (41060)
Radius Aerospace - Hot Springs - U.S.A. (3131)
Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd. - Israel (C217)
Rakar Inc. - U.S.A. (2340)
RAM Aviation, Space & Defense - U.S.A. (1100,4212)
RAMPF Composite Solutions - Canada (4520)
Raytheon Technologies Corporation (Corporate Headquarters) - U.S.A. (C301-305, C631)
RBC Aerospace Bearings - U.S.A. (2518)
Reaction Engines Ltd - U.K. (1210)
Reno Machine Company - U.S.A. (2127)
Rexnord Industries, LLC - U.S.A. (4130)
RIEGL Laser Measurement Systems GmbH - Austria (3721, 3725, 3728)
Righton Blackburns Limited - U.K. (1117)
RINA Consulting Defence Ltd - U.K. (1437)
RLC Callender - U.K. (41111)
Roboze S.P.A. - Italy (1150)
Rockwood Composites Ltd - U.K. (1307)
Rohde & Schwarz - Germany (1451)
Rolled Alloys - U.S.A. (4320)
Rolls-Royce plc - U.K. (3501, C405-407)
Rotary Precision Instruments UK Ltd (RPI) - U.K. (1217)
RTA Rail Tec Arsenal - Austria (3721, 3725, 3728)
Ruag Aerostructures Schweiz AG - Switzerland (4517)
RWG Germany GmbH - Germany (2509)
RXIndustries - U.S.A. (2324)
S.I.ME. Srl - Societa Industria Meccanica - Italy (1245)
SABCA - Belgium (1157)
SAE International - U.S.A. (3019)
Safran Aero Boosters - Belgium (1157)
Safran Electrical & Power HQ - France (3501)
Safran Group - France (B034)
SAM Aerospace (NI) Ltd. (was JW Kane Precision) - U.K. (1321)
SASMOS HET Technologies Ltd. - India (4240)
Sauter Bachmann AG - Switzerland (4517)
SBR - Southbourne Rubber - U.K. (1120L)
SCA - Service Centres Aero - France (C119-120, 1231)
Schatz Bearing Corporation - U.S.A. (3937)
ScioTeq - Belgium (1152)
Seabury Capital LLC - U.S.A. (4038)
SeaCast Inc. - U.S.A. (1351)
SeAH Aerospace & Defense Corp. - South Korea (41134)
Seal Dynamics Inc. - U.S.A. (4540)
Secondo Mona SpA - Italy (1343)
Sekai Electronics, Inc. - U.S.A. (2340)
SEKISUI Aerospace (was AIM Aerospace) - U.S.A. (1351)
Senior plc - U.K. (4911)
Sensata Technologies, Inc. - U.S.A. (1428, 1528)
Sentes-BIR A.S. - Turkey (41347, 41341)
Shaanxi Tiancheng Aerospace Co. (TCAE) - China (4732)
Sharon-Cutwell - U.S.A. (2023)
SHD Composite Materials Ltd - U.K. (1307)
Shimco - Canada (4520)
Shimifrez Inc. - Canada (4520)
ShinMaywa Industries Ltd. (Aircraft Division) - Japan (2006, 2117, 2504)
Siderval S.p.A. - Italy (4231)
Siemens Digital Industries Software Inc. (was Siemens PLM Software) - U.S.A. (C331-332)
SIFCO Industries, Inc. - U.S.A. (2038)
Sigma Precision Components UK - U.K. (1320)
SIJ Metal Ravne d.o.o. - Slovenia (4036)
Silcoms Ltd. - U.K. (1320)
SJAC Society of Japanese Aerospace Companies - Japan (2006, 2117, 2504)
SKF Group - Sweden (1360)
Skybolt Aerospace Fasteners - U.S.A. (3117D)
Skydweller Aero - U.S.A. (2023)
SMASTIP Sdn Bhd - Malaysia (1251)
Smith Myers Communications Ltd. - U.K. (1023)
Smiths Advanced Metals - U.K. (1120I)
Snap-on, Inc. - U.S.A. (2016)
Socomore Group - France (1360)
Sol.One NV - Belgium (1157)
Solar Atmospheres Inc. - U.S.A. (2525)
Sonaca SA - Belgium (1157)
Space Engine Systems, Inc. - Canada (4310)
Special Melted Products Ltd. - U.K. (4950)
Specialised Polymer Engineering Ltd (SPE) - U.K. (4817)
Specitubes SAS, L&P Aerospace - France (4941)
Spectra Aerospace and Defense, LLC - U.S.A. (1558)
Speel Praha s.r.o. - Czech Republic (41331)
Spherea Test & Services - France (4821)
SST Technology Ltd. - U.K. (3840)
ST Airborne Systems AB - Sweden (1555)
StandardAero Ltd - Canada (4330)
Starrag Group AG - Switzerland (4517)
Stein Seal Co. - U.S.A. (1050)
STRAERO SA - Romania (4525)
Stretch Forming Corp. - U.S.A. (2340)
Stromkind GmbH - Austria (3721, 3725, 3728)
STS Aerospace (was Titeflex Aerospace) - U.S.A. (1360)
STS Metals - TSI Titanium - U.S.A. (41320)
Subaru Corp (Fuji Heavy Industries) - Japan (2006, 2117, 2504)
Sunshine Metals - U.S.A. (C119-120, 1231)
Superalloy Manufacturing (was GKN Aerospace - Cincinnati) - U.S.A. (4230)
Supernal, LLC - U.S.A. (A025, A027)
Swanda Aerospace - U.S.A. (2322, 2519)
Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) - Sweden (1041)
Swinburne (University of Technology) AIR Hub - Australia (3311)
Syensqo (was Solvay) - U.K. (C220)
Taber Extrusions, LLC - U.S.A. (3125)
Tanida Ltd. - Japan (2006, 2117, 2504)
Tata Advanced Systems Limited - India (C408-411)
TAV Vacuum Furnaces SpA - Italy (1040)
TEI - Tusas Engine Industries, Inc. - Turkey (4331)
TEK4 - U.K. (1548)
Teledyne FLIR (was FLIR Systems, Inc.) - U.S.A. (2330)
Telex Communications Inc - U.S.A. (4827)
Terma AS - Denmark (2320)
Test Industry S.r.l. - Italy (1143, 1145)
Test-Fuchs GmbH - Austria (3721, 3725, 3728)
The Metal Finishing Company, Inc. - U.S.A. (3350)
The Micro Spring & Presswork Company Ltd. (MSP) - U.K. (1030)
Third Wave Systems - U.S.A. (2521)
Ti Squared Technologies Inc. - U.S.A. (2033)
TIG Titanium International Group Srl - Italy (1543)
TIGHITCO Ladson SC - U.S.A. (2324)
Tipro International - China (3543)
TISICS Ltd - U.K. (1317)
Titanium Industries Inc. - U.S.A. (2520)
TLG Aerospace, LLC - U.S.A. (1351)
Trakka Systems - Australia (3311)
Transvaro - Turkey (3544)
Trelleborg Sealing Solutions UK Ltd - U.K. (C117, 1115)
Tridan Engineering Ltd. - U.K. (1551)
TriMas Aerospace (Mac Fasteners) - U.S.A. (1238)
Triumph Group, Inc. - U.S.A. (C116)
True Blue Power - U.S.A. (3350)
TT Electronics plc - U.K. (4118)
TTTech Computertechnik AG - Austria (3721, 3725, 3728)
Tubacex Group - Spain (2322, 2519)
Tubiflex SpA - Italy (1245)
Turbocam Inc. - U.S.A. (1545)
Turbomak - Turkey (41347, 41341)
Turbomecanica S.A. - Romania (1513, 4525)
Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) - Turkey (C308-309A)
TUV SUD AG - Germany (41534)
TW Metals - U.S.A. (3121)
TWI Ltd - U.K. (1046)
TXT e-solutions S.p.A. - Italy (3835)
UAS - Umbria Aerospace Systems SpA - Italy (1143, 1145)
UAVision - Portugal (1160)
UK-ARC UK Aerospace Research Consortium - U.K. (1317)
Ulbrich Stainless Steels & Special Metals, Inc. - U.S.A. (2018)
ULPower Aero Engines NV - Belgium (1157)
Ultima Forma Ltd. - U.K. (1217)
Ultra Precision Control Systems (Flightline) - U.S.A. (C128)
UMBRAGROUP S.p.A. - Italy (1143, 1145)
Umbria Aerospace Cluster - Italy (1143, 1145)
UMI Aeronautica, S.L. - Spain (2121)
UMW Aerospace SDN. BHD. - Malaysia (1251)
Unipart Logistics (UnipartLogistics Ltd) - U.K. (1553)
Unison Industries, LLC - U.S.A. (B026)
United Aircraft Group - China (4131)
United Performance Metals - U.K. (1321)
Universal Precision Screws - India (4719)
Universidad Aeronautica en Queretaro - Mexico (3320)
University of Nottingham (IAT) - U.K. (1026)
University of Southampton - U.K. (1110, 4710)
US Aluminum Castings - U.S.A. (1351)
Vac Aero International Inc. - Canada (4520)
VAF Def-Aero Systems Private Limited - India (3022)
Valcor Engineering Corporation - U.S.A. (2032)
Valence Surface Technologies - U.S.A. (41145)
Valley Metals, L&P Aerospace - U.S.A. (4941)
Velatron (S.G. Smallwood Inc.) - Canada (4520)
Velo3D - U.S.A. (41515)
Venus Aerospace - U.S.A. (3140)
VerdeGo Aero - U.S.A. (D020)
Vericut (was CGTech, Inc.) - U.S.A. (1307)
Verify, Inc. - U.S.A. (C215)
Vermont Aerospace Industries, LLC - U.S.A. (4230)
Vertical Aerospace Ltd - U.K. (C313, E015)
Vertical Aviation International - U.S.A. (3942)
Verus Aerospace - U.S.A. (3324)
Viasat Inc. - U.S.A. (4103)
Vibrac - U.S.A. (3841)
Vicor - U.S.A. (4717)
Viewpoint Systems - U.S.A. (3114D)
VoltAero - France (D022)
VPT, Inc. - U.S.A. (2125)
W.L. Gore & Associates - U.S.A. (1120G)
Walker AEC Limited - U.K. (1217)
Wallwork Heat Treatment Ltd. - U.K. (1307)
Walter Praguecast a.s. - Czech Republic (41313)
Walzwerke Einsal GmbH - Germany (41538)
Weldaloy Specialty Forgings - U.S.A. (2336)
Werco Manufacturing, Inc. - U.S.A. (2322, 2519)
West of England Aerospace Forum - U.K. (1217)
Western Superconducting Technologies Co. Ltd. (WST) - China (4840)
Westfield Hydraulics Inc. - U.S.A. (2531)
WFL Millturn Technologies - Austria (3721, 3725, 3728)
WHI Global, LLC - U.S.A. (2322, 2519)
Wilder Systems - U.S.A. (2322, 2519)
Windracers - U.K. (1110, 4710)
Wittenstein Aerospace & Simulation - Germany (4135)
Woodward Inc. - U.S.A. (3130)
Woorim PTS - South Korea (4930)
Yulkok Ltd. - South Korea (4930)
ZB3 Technologies Ltd - U.K. (1560)
ZeroAvia, Inc - U.S.A. (1111)
Zoerkler Gears GmbH & Co KG - Austria (3721, 3725, 3728)
Zollern GmbH & Co. KG Investment Casting - Germany (4737)
Zund UK Ltd - U.K. (1307)

See an overview of the group of companies.