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Donaldson provides avionics cooling filters to Liebherr for Bombardier CSeries jets
Monday, 4 February 2013

Donaldson Company, Inc., the world leader in the design, development and manufacture of advanced filtration solutions, is providing avionics bay cooling-air filters to Liebherr for the all-new Bombardier CSeries family of single-aisle commercial airliners.

The filters are part of the integrated air management system Liebherr-Aerospace Toulouse SAS, Toulouse (France), is developing for Bombardier's CSeries aircraft. Liebherr chose the Donaldson Aerospace & Defense Group to design, manufacture, deliver and support filters for its avionics bay cooling system. Testing of CSeries aircraft systems is under way at Bombardier and Liebherr in preparation for a first flight this year.

"Donaldson's expertise in providing advanced filtration solutions that protect the performance, reliability and efficiency of critical aircraft systems uniquely positions us to help Liebherr-Aerospace supply Bombardier," said Pierre Habran, Director, Donaldson Aerospace & Defence for Europe, the Middle East and Africa. "We are proud to join this important new aircraft program."

Bombardier is developing the single-aisle CSeries family of airliners to meet commercial airlines' requirements for significant improvements in aircraft operating cost, fuel burn, passenger comfort, noise reduction and gas emissions in the world's growing 100- to 149-seat market.

Donaldson Aerospace & Defense is providing three different filters for the CSeries aircraft's integrated air management system. They are designed to filter outside and inside air before it enters the avionics bay for ventilation.

Contact details from our directory:
Donaldson Company, Aerospace & Defense Filtration Equipment, Fuel Filters, Oil Filters, Air Filters, Air Purification Systems, Engine Air Filters, Rain Repellents
Liebherr-Aerospace Toulouse Bleed Air Systems, Ice Protection/Prevention Equipment, Air Conditioning Equipment, Flap/Slat Mechanisms, Cooling Systems, Cabin Pressure Control Systems, Test Stands, Valves, Inverters, Avionics Heat Exchangers, Oil Coolers
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