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Esterline CMC Electronics' new PilotView aircraft network switch selected by Bombardier for its CSeries aircraft
Monday, 17 June 2013

Esterline CMC Electronics' new PilotView® Aircraft Network Switch (ANS) has been selected by Bombardier for the CSeries aircraft to support advanced maintenance network connectivity and maintenance operations.

Building on CMC's aircraft interface device products, the state-of-the-art ANS known as the CMA-1500, features multiple 1000/100BaseT Gigabit Ethernet connectivity and managed network switch capability in an ARINC600 LRU. As part of CMC's expanding PilotView product family, the ANS addresses the increasing need for information distribution and information management requirements associated with the CSeries aircraft advanced maintenance systems. The ANS supports carrier-grade network security and firewall features that can segment and isolate cabin/In-flight Entertainment (IFE), cockpit/Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) and aircraft/maintenance communication domains.

Greg Yeldon, Esterline CMC Electronics President, said: “We are delighted that Bombardier has selected the CMC Aircraft Network Switch as part of the baseline configuration for the 
CSeries aircraft. CMC is committed to supporting OEMs and their evolving requirements with a wide range of aircraft information management implementations.”

Contact details from our directory:
CMC Electronics Inc. Control Panels, Communication Antennas, GPS, Flight Management Systems, Head-Up Displays, Enhanced Vision Systems (EVS), Electronic Flight Instrument Systems, MLS Receivers, Moving Maps, Onboard Computers, LCD Displays, Infrared Detectors
Bombardier Inc. Airframer
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