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First flight: Liebherr-Aerospace on board the Bombardier CSeries aircraft
Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Liebherr-Aerospace supplies two major systems, the complete landing gear system and the integrated air management system, for Bombardier's CSeries aircraft, which successfully made its historic, maiden flight on September 16, 2013. These systems feature the latest technologies for the next generation of single-aisle aircraft, thus offering improved reliability and operational performance.

Liebherr took advantage of its vast experience in landing gears and air management systems for commercial aircraft to optimize the operating costs and the reliability of its systems for the CSeries aircraft. The systems are designed, developed and manufactured by Liebherr-Aerospace's German- and French-based OEM facilities: Lieberr-Aerospace Lindenberg GmbH, Lindenberg (Germany), is responsible for the CSeries landing gear, whereas Liebherr-Aerospace Toulouse SAS, Toulouse (France), is in charge of the air management system.

Liebherr-Aerospace congratulates the entire Bombardier Aerospace team and its partners for the first flight of the CSeries aircraft, and is proud to contribute to the success of the program.

Contact details from our directory:
Liebherr-Aerospace Toulouse Bleed Air Systems, Ice Protection/Prevention Equipment, Air Conditioning Equipment, Flap/Slat Mechanisms, Cooling Systems, Cabin Pressure Control Systems, Test Stands, Valves, Inverters, Avionics Heat Exchangers, Oil Coolers
Liebherr-Aerospace Lindenberg GmbH Plating Services, Electromechanical Actuators, Hydraulic Systems & Equipment, Pressure Control Valves, Mechanical Actuators, Aircraft Landing Gear, Helicopter Landing Gear, Auxiliary Power Units, Hydraulic Actuators, Servoactuators, Hydraulic Filters, Wing Spoilers, Wing Flaps, Aircraft Control Surfaces, Fly-by-Wire Systems, Pneumatic Actuators, Gearboxes, Coatings Services, Control Dampers, Gears & Assemblies, Hydraulic Power Supplies, Air Refuelling Systems, Brake System Components, Aircraft Wheels, Tyres, Steering Systems, Hydraulic Pumps, Automatic Flight Control Systems, Hydraulic System Valves, Onboard Computers, Relief Valves, Valves
Bombardier Inc. Airframer
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