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PBS Velka Bites

Contact Details

AddressVlkovska 279, CZ-59512 Velka Bites, Czech Republic
Telephone+420 566 822 111

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TJ100 Turbojet Engines; 1250 N thrust, compact, turbojet engine for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), target drones, light sport aircraft and gliders with an additional engine - Sonex JSX-2 SubSonex (TJ100E3S), Sonex JSX-2T SubSonex (TJ100E3S)
TJ150 Turbojet Engines; 1500 N thrust, turbojet engine, for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), target drones and piloted aircraft - Sonex JSX-2T SubSonex (Optional TJ150)
TP100 Turboprop Engines; Low weight turboprop engine for small aircraft and UAVs - AeroVolga LA-8 (TP100), TL Stream Turbo (TP100)
TS100 Turboshaft Engines; Turboshaft engine for light helicopters weighing up to 1,000 kg - Curti Zefhir (TS100), GHT G-250 Eagle (TS100 DA), Softex Aero VV-2 (TS100 ZA), Winner T250 (TS100)

Client aircraft programs

Aero Vodochody L-159 Analysis Auxiliary Power Units: Saphir 5F APU
AeroVolga LA-8 Analysis Turboprop Engines: (LA-8 - TP100)
Curti Zefhir Analysis Turboshaft Engines: (Zefhir - TS100)
GHT G-250 Eagle Analysis Turboshaft Engines: (G-250 Eagle - TS100 DA)
Softex Aero VV-2 Analysis Turboshaft Engines: (VV-2 - TS100 ZA)
Sonex SubSonex Analysis Turbojet Engines: (JSX-2T SubSonex - TJ100E3S; JSX-2 SubSonex - TJ100E3S; JSX-2T SubSonex - Optional TJ150)
TL Stream Analysis Turboprop Engines: (Stream Turbo - TP100)

News and press releases

18/12/2024Press Release: PBS Group successfully tested the first jet engines assembled in the USA
Paid subscribers can see the full news archive for PBS Velka Bites. Buy a subscription and log in for access.


Association memberships Moravian Aerospace Cluster - Czech Republic

See an overview of the group of companies.